Saturday 13 October 2012

5 minute craft - Mini sewing needle case

Last week we were on vacation and of course I took my portable sewing kit. But something was missing... a needle case! So as soon as I got back I knew it was going to be my next 5 minute craft project! What do you think?

So to make this adorable mini needle cases all you need is some scraps of fabric and felt; some thin cardboard, glue, brush, scissors (rotary cutter is actually optional) and a pencil.

So cut your cardboard to the size you want your cases to be (mine had to fit in my portable sewing box see picture at the end). I decided I wanted a bigger one and a smaller one. Fold them in half and mark the fold thoroughly.

Then add the glue to one side of the cardboard and glue the fabric, trimming to leave enough fabric to fold in.

Glue the inside borders of the case and fold the fabric in.

For the slightly bigger case, I lined it with fabric and added the felt in the middle. So to make this I first lined the lining fabric with the felt, making sure the centre was matching, and sew them together. Then glued the lining fabric to the inside of the needle case, again making sure the centre of the case matched the sewing line.

For the smaller case, I just used the felt as the lining fabric, so I added the glue only to the borders of the felt and glued it in the inside of the case.

While I let it dry... I made a little pincushion for my sewing box by lining a little cardboard rectangle (of the size of the pockets in my box) with some filling and matching fabric. Ok now the cases are dry, so I glued some thin ribbon to the fabric and voila, finished needle cases

Don't they look cute in my portable sewing box?

And a sneak peak of how they look on my table next to all my other sewing supplies... they are so cute I can keep snapping pictures all day! 

But have to go, this process is only supposed to take 5 minutes and I have an ironing pile to attack!


  1. Those are cute and easy. I am getting ready to tackle some English paper piecing and could really use a needle case.

  2. Another great little craft, and so handy too! Thanks for sharing with us. :)


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